The Mumbai-based Film and TV software Production House Spectra Multimedia has signed a 3-film deal with upcoming regional actress Priyankaa. All three films will be made in Marathi and are expected to be completed by this year-end or mid 2010. While one film will be a family comedy, another will be based on a historical story. The third and last film is expected to be a suspense thriller.
By virtue of this 3-film deal, actress Priyankaa is also into a two-year exclusive artiste management contract with Spectra Multimedia who will handle all her film, advertising, endorsement and branding assignments.
Spokesperson and Executive Producer for Spectra Multimedia, Flynn Remedios said, “While we would not like to specify the exact budget of the projects, all of them would be big budget films when compared to the standards of the regional or Marathi film industry. While the films will be primarily in Marathi, they would have a multi-lingual approach with added dialogues in Hinglish to give them a larger appeal.” Spectra Multimedia through its distribution partners will release these films all over the country, he added.
Spectra Multimedia has been into Film and TV Production consultancy, co-ordination, management and marketing for the last two years. The company has successfully marketed and promoted several regional film projects and music videos in the past and is also producing crossover films in Hindi, Punjabi and English for the international market. Their specialization includes projects for International Film Festivals and DVD/VCD film marketing.
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