In a new twist to the Neetu Chandra photo shoot controversy, upcoming actress and model Krishika Gupta (who actually spells her name as Krrishika) has alleged that she was molested, pinched on the rear, abused and her modesty outraged during the shoot at a 5-star hotel at Juhu in suburban Mumbai.
In an official statement released on Saturday in Mumbai by her publicist Flynn Remedios, Krrishika Gupta said, “I was exploited, pinched on the rear, molested and abused. While Neetu Chandra was provided with security, the organizers of the photo shoot left me to fend for myself. I had offered to get my own assistant along, but they told me that every thing would be provided for at the venue. I was told that it was a very artistic and classy shoot for a very prestigious magazine. When I reached the venue, I realized that these were all empty promises.”
“During the shoot, since we were shooting in bikinis in the open on Juhu beach and at a hotel adjoining the beach, some people tried to touch me and even tried to pull away the bath robe that I had put on over the bikini to cover myself. When I complained to the organizers no action was taken. The organizers were very busy ensuring that the shoot was completed as per their plans – since a crowd had collected by then - and did not pay any heed to my complaint. I feel completely cheated by the organizers and will sue them for the indignity and insult endured by me. There was no proper security. Though the shoot was on the open beach, no police permission was taken nor was any police official present.”
Krrishika’s Manager and Publicist Flynn Remedios confirmed that Krrishika is contemplating filing a police complaint. “Some persons from the crowd tried to pull her bath robe and also tried to touch her improperly and paw her. One of them pinched her on the rear. They showered her with some of the choicest abuses in vernacular languages and made vulgar and abusive signs and gestures at her. Krrishika will file an official police complaint on Monday, after consulting her family and lawyers,” said Flynn Remedios, adding that Krrishika was uncertain about complaining about this earlier. She didn't want to disturb or upset her family," he explained.
Krishika is thankful that the situation did not get out of hand. “They crowd could have done anything to me,” she said, recounting with horror the story of two girls who were molested by an unruly crowd at Juhu on New Year’s Eve. It was very irresponsible of the organizers and the magazine to shoot on an open beach with models in bikinis without proper security, added Krishika.
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